So here is the whole, big clan. Luckily there was a whole, big deck to fit said clan upon.

And here are my sweet friends. I love to see them, as we don't get to that much. I have known G for about 25 or so years now, we go way back. He was and will always be the life of the party, the wise-guy, the comedic, the all-around sweetest big kid around. I have so many memories of him and all our friends...too many that maybe should not be shared as it just may give ideas to our children. ;) So many memories that bring a huge smile to my face and sometimes a good ol' chuckle. I mean besides Kev and I, I would have to say he probably had more fun than anyone at our wedding judging by the amount of dancing and yee-hawing he did. When he met his now wife D, well I will have to say that she could be the best part of him; her and their two boys. I just think the world of them all.

Their sweet boys, who apparently loooooove to fish, be shirtless, and just being b.o.y.s.

Typical Minnesota and typical Minnesota boys.

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