When K from New Hampshire called to schedule a family session when she would be home visiting her family, she said that she wanted to do the session at her parents farm. I love it when my clients have goal other than just get their family photos done, but to capture moments and memories of the present as well as holding onto those memories that have past. She also wanted something different that in that what her family photos can conveyed while living out east. Not so many wide open spaces as we have here in MN. Lots of corn fields, lots of implement, lots of warm fuzzy memories for K to show her 3 kids. Health issues are plaquing this family so to capture these memories are not only important, they are everything. I am truely honored when people are trusting me to capture such important connections in their life, I take it personally. Because to me is it also important, it is everything.
As far as weather goes...this was a bit of doosey. It had torrential rains the night before that started off the local flooding. So we were a bit worried as the day was forecasted to hold more rain. Although the sun was out in the beginning of the session, the wind was wicked, especially because of the "wide open spaces" with that brought in the clouds.

Oh how I love these. They are so sweet. They were just walking across the farm, I wasn't telling them what to do. They just were there for support and love. ♥

Finding fantastic treasures in Grandpa's well-worn workbench.


Get kids to laugh...throw a baby in the mix!

Thank you M & S family. I loved your energy and love. My prayers are with you for strength as well as good news. I absolutely loved meeting your family!
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