Miss A. She is so sweet, fairly quiet, definately beautiful and very athletic.

Love the soft sunlight trying so hard to poke through the clouds creating an awesome warm glow.

Love this series!

I get asked from time to time if I do "formal" portraits. I definately can as shown in the next series. Even if we are doing the session outdoor, we can still "fake" it with a interesting wall, solid or otherwise, field of grass...whatever. Formal definately has grey areas now, things that were labeled "typical headshots" or designated to yearbooks are definately changed over the years. It important to find a photographer that fits your style and what you are looking for. Don't be afraid to ask her/him/me* ☺ about an idea you have, something you saw in a magazine or a friend's photos, or a tradition that you want to recreate.

Thanks A...hope your senior year is going wonderful!!
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