{Miss Lexi} Alexandria, MN Senior Photographer

Well. I am blogging and in the middle of the busiest time of the year for me. What am I thinking? I am thinking that Miss Lexi is too cute to wait for her blog! :)

First we will start out with her lovely family. Did you know that every senior session booked with JGP gets a free family session?? Well, you do now.

Lexi is my youngest daughter's BFF. I LOVE it when I photograph kids, er...I mean young adults I know. I hope that I am able to capture their personality because I know them a bit. And I am grateful for their trust with selecting me as their photographer. It truly means the world to me. So I say thank you to you Lexi and your family. <3

Thanks Lexi...you are a beautiful, kind young lady. I know I will see you around from time to time, right?

Ummm. Excuse me | Alexandria, MN Photographer

Me: Ready for photos guys?

This is their response.

Just kidding!!

This next one may be one of my all time favorites. The way she is looking at their hands. The way he is looking straight ahead holding her hand. The way the path curves, the hill rolls, the trees hang. The composition. And mainly because when I asked them to hold hands, it was no big deal. I just love it.

Miss Bella apparently needed some sleep. It is hard being so busy and cute at the same time.

And then this happened. I swear just like this.

Braeden: Ummmm. Excuse me.

Bella: Looks at her brother.

Braeden: That wasn't a burp.

Bella: Plugs her nose and turns away. Then turns back and wraps her arm around him all while still plugging her nose.

Now, there that is the truest form of love right there.

Country girl | Alexandria, MN Senior Photographer

Popping over here real quick to share just a few of the awesome images from Amy's senior session. Such a pretty and sweet girl.

Ok....off to another session. August, I seriously love you, but you may kill me one day.

Hang on this is a whole lotta sharing. - Alexandria, MN Photographer

Well, grab a cup of tea, coffee, margarita, whatever literally fills your cup, floats, your boat, tickles your fancy...ok, you get the idea. Cause there is a whole lotta cuteness coming your way.

It is Miss Hattie's one year photo session, but her big sis was all dressed up ready for her shoot as well.

I can't even handle it.

Anything cuter than chubby little baby arms? I know, I agree..there isn't.

And she just sat in front of me, so seriously, and I really could not help myself. Really I tried, but those cheeks were begging to be squished, and since I had my finger on the trigger finger, well, it is what it is.

But then she did this just minutes later, all on her own.

It was such a lovely spring day, we decided to take a few at the park.

She didn't care for the grass too much...can you tell? That right leg stayed up the WHOLE time. And just putting this out there, this type of unconventional image is perfect for a LARGE stand alone canvas hanging on your wall. It is perfect because it is timeless, shows details of your little one who won't stay little long and acts as art. These honestly are some of my favorites.

Thanks "G" family! Your girls are the sweetest little dollies!!!!


Please do not copy, save to your computer or print any of the photos that I publish on this blog. These images are property of Jennifer Guenther Photography and copy protected by law.