{Miss Lexi} Alexandria, MN Senior Photographer

Well. I am blogging and in the middle of the busiest time of the year for me. What am I thinking? I am thinking that Miss Lexi is too cute to wait for her blog! :)

First we will start out with her lovely family. Did you know that every senior session booked with JGP gets a free family session?? Well, you do now.

Lexi is my youngest daughter's BFF. I LOVE it when I photograph kids, er...I mean young adults I know. I hope that I am able to capture their personality because I know them a bit. And I am grateful for their trust with selecting me as their photographer. It truly means the world to me. So I say thank you to you Lexi and your family. <3

Thanks Lexi...you are a beautiful, kind young lady. I know I will see you around from time to time, right?

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