First to start off I have Miss C. She was one of JGP's senior reps this year. And so much fun to get to know and photograph. And you will see why in a second, or if you have cheated and scrolled down, you already know.
Those of you who aren't familiar with my Senior Rep program, I will tell you a bit. These seniors are working for me sort of speak, they get certain perks and savings with their sessions and print prices. But they are out there promoting JGP in a positive way to everyone in their class as well as underclassmen and well, pretty much everyone! They have two sessions, the first one is for me. I tell them where we are going, what props I want to use, suggest things to wear and their second is their senior session. So I start the interview process for reps just after the holidays. So watch for announcments or email me to be put on the contact list.
First session for "C"/me. ☺

Yes, those blue eyes are really that blue. No enhancements there.

The next image goes into my list of all time JGP images.

Now this is from C's second session. The farm belongs to a family member of C, who was ever so gracious to let us use the location for the session. The whole yard and old "barnyard", was stunning with gardens, creative spots everywhere you look. Even a walk into the woods were paths, sitting areas to chill or swat mosquitoes. I believe it was featured on last year's Garden Tour. The work that it took to get this farm to what it looks like is unbelievable.

Love the lines, sun and shadows.

When there is a barn that cool, you gotta give it some love.

The next part of this blog post is J's session, cousin to C. Their two sessions were some of my favorites. One, the location was completely awesome. Two, the two seniors are completely awesome. Three, that they are cousins. Why, just cause they are cousins? Because I was really close with my cousin as well. We were bff's from birth. We were only 3 months apart, he older than me. But in high school, we were inseparable. In fact, were mistaken for dating more than a few times. Maybe he cramped my style for the dating pool, but it all worked out in the end. :)

Loved these shots in the barn. Let me tell you it was dark in there, really dark. That is why I love my camera so much as these were shot at ISO 2500 and not hardly any grainyness (aka noise, for those photogs).

Sweet, sweet light.

I am really behind on blogging, always am at this time of the year. Thank you patience clients of mine. I really appreciate you!!!
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