The whole kit and kaboodle.

Tara contacted me for their photo session. They were vacationing and arranged a photo session while they were here. I get many families who do this and I strongly recommend it. It is a little more planning, but so worth it. Everyone is relaxed, and enjoying themselves and most importantly together. Tara told me that photographs are so important to her as she lost her husband two years ago to melanoma. And to have photos through out the stages of her life is a big deal. Memories can fade, but a photograph just propels you back in time to refresh the feelings and time of your life. In fact, I was just going through some of mine when my kids were little and remembering things that I had forgotten about, but as I looked through those photos everything came flooding back. It is so important to document all the stages of your life. Don't wait until you lose weight, or until the circumstances are just so. It is you at that moment in time, a moment that is just as important than the rest. Not to be forgotten.

Also celebrating 40 years of marriage. Congratulations you two!! I am sure you are scratching your head wondering how did 40 years come about!
This beautiful woman is strong and amazing and a fighter. She was diagnosed last fall with lung cancer, days I am sure are hard and tiring but you have quite the strength in yourself and the family that love you tons. You have a beautiful family and I was privileged to meet you all and capture your family.

Gosh aren't they cute!?!?

Thank you are awesome!!!
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