{three girls and some Cheerios} Central Minnesota Children Photographer

Back this winter, yes this winter (I have been busy)...was the session with the "O" girls. You may remember, I have been there a few times before. Jog your memory HERE and HERE.
Now the twins are 1 and so big, so independent, and so into Cheerios. Anything to keep a kid and in this case three in the same spot, I will do it.

Miss E, had her idea of what she should wear and really I loved it. I am all about the bargain, "sure we can do some with your leotard, sunglasses, and necklaces, THEN we will do what mommy wants you in" sort of thing. Seems perfectly acceptable to me, right?

I thought I would give you a peak at the 3 pack mini accordian albums they ordered from their session. I love those little things! One for each of the grandparents and one to keep. Perfect, everyone is happy!

Can't wait to come to play with you again girls!

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