{I've got your love to keep me warm} Central Minnesota Photography

It seems cruel to show you snow photos when FINALLY things are getting green around here. However, I don't like to show you before the family or couple can show their loved ones. So the "Save the Date" cards have been mailed out and now I can share this special couple with you.

This is K & T. And they are...Completely. Adorable. And Completely. In. Love. Enough periods for you? That is when you know...I. mean. it. The love they share is palpable to anyone standing near. They couldn't stop smiling at each other, T couldn't take his eyes off of his bride to be. Ahhh....love.

I really love shooting in the snow. It's a wonderful light reflector and you can blend all the busy-ness away, to focus on what is important. Them.

Thank you guys for being up for my ideas, laughing at me when I took one for the team and fell in the knee high snow, and for being so gosh darn cute. All my love to you!!

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