{the blues with red shoes} Rodgers Minnesota Photographer

Oh, how I loved everything about the the S family session this late fall. The day was wonderful, the light was gorgeous, the family was adorable, the boys were were a blast!

This family got it right with their clothing choices. The greys and blues with solids and textures and patterns. I love it all, especially big brother C's red converse (when I was young they were called Chucks...can I get an Amen and followed with a 'darn we are getting old'???).

Yes, they are just stinkin' cute. Brothers C, C and C. I have a hard enough time keeping my own kids names straight...I have only two and their names are nothing alike! So you throw me into 3 with the same first letter... you should have seen me trying to keep them all straight!!

I love these...the boys were crackin' up over something, could have been at my expense..not sure, at any rate I will take it!

Thank you, Mom, Dad, C, C, C, Grandma and Grandpa! I love your family!

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