Which lends me to bend your ear a little on the subject of senior photography. I will now step onto my soapbox.☺ Uh...hmmm (that is me now clearing my throat).
I believe that senior or graduate photography are a rite of passage. Something that has been done for years, and generations and should be done for years and generations to come. A tradition that should not be taken lightly or to be disregarded. Parents, I will direct this to you, make that senior photo appointment or encourage him or her if your senior isn't interested. It is THAT important. Just as it was to capture your 'baby' at their other milestones. 1 year, 2 years....and so on. This is a huge milestone in your 'baby's' life and needs to be celebrated and honored. I am not plugging me...well, I will be honest, sure I am. But if it isn't me that captures this important stage in their life, it should be another professional photographer. Someone who is talented, skilled in photography to capture your young adult looking their best. Be proud of that. I cringe the thought of years to come when this senior is now heading to their 10, 20, 30 year class reunion and when people are looking back or have those photos on your name tag to jog classmates memory of who they are, and there is a blurry, not so flattering DIYS (Do It Yourself Snapshot). Or think of you own selfish thoughts. You want that wonderful photo of your daughter or son proudly hanging on your wall, sitting in the frame on your desk next to their kindergarten-toothless-grin-photos. It is THAT important.
Ok, me stepping off my soapbox and without further adieu...Mr. L.

Love this. So relaxed.

Thanks Mom R and L. Have a wonderful senior year!
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