Yep, as many dandylions that little Miss "A" blew around the farm, she probably ingested just as many.

The flowers were simply gorgeous and to a little darling only 2 ft. tall probably felt as if she were in fairyland.

I love these ones, cause she is giving me dandylions to blow all over.

Nothing says cute like a baby brother in a basket, in a garden getting a kiss from his big sister. Suggested or not.

This is sweet "A". He did so well, until he got a little chilled. Either that or he only wanted the spotlight to himself. As it was time to get mom, dad and sister...he was not having it.

But really, in all honesty, I love these sort of family photos. The interaction rather that the reaction to a camera in your face, this type of photo tells your story. And that is just what I love to do.

1 comment:
Awesome! Great job!
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