I told you in last post that I would be sharing a maternity session from a friend of mine. Although we have probably been in each other's presence less than 3 hours combined...I think of Elaine and what she has been able to help me do and I feel...........thankful! She and I started our photography business about the same time. I can remember talking about the camera we were going to buy, and it just spun from there. I am thankful that we met, share the same passion for photography, and thankful that even though her life is calling her in another way, she has trusted me enough to refer her friends to me for their portraits. And thankful for all her advice she has given to me. I hope she knows her help has meant sooo much to me....well, since she is a self-proclaimed "stalker" of my blog...she knows now. :) This session is a thank you for all your help, advice and words of encouragement! Thank you Elaine. You will see the rest of these when I return.

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