Onto a nicer and waaaaay cuter topic. Little baby "K". Youngest of three, spoiled in a good way, look out Mom & Dad, I see a twinkle in those eyes that may spell...T.R.O.U.B.L.E.
See what I mean....

But mostly when I look at these I think ...C.U.T.E.

I am going to show you one that when I take photos like this, people often think it is a goof. Truth be told, these are intentional. It is just a unique, artistic twist on photographs. Something that is very popular. It is not the straight on shot, "rule of thirds" as they say in photography. His head is cropped, not "chopped". Photography is changing, they are throwing out the stand-by "rules", and giving enhancement to photos that are eye catching and different. I would love to mount this image on a large canvas. It is just too sweet. So, next time you look at advertisements or magazine articles, or even my website you may see this look. And know that it is intentional...most of the time. :)
Thank you family "K". I will love watching this little guy grow!
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