21 May 2013

{be different} Central Minnesota Senior Photographer

When Mom Paula booked her son Ryan's senior session our convo went something like this: Paula: He wants to do something different. Me: Great! Paula: He really wants to put his own spin on his senior photos. Me: Even better! I love it when kids what to venture outside the box. Paula: He is thinking about an ape suit. Me: Wonderf....., wait, what? Paula: Yep. Me: Hmmmm.....how will people know it is him? Paula: Good point. Needless to say, the pressure was on. Me. As I said in my mock dialogue, I love it when seniors bring the real "them" to their session, and up until the day before Ryan's session I was prepared for anything and an ape suit. However, we started the session and no ape suit in sight and really I was sorta bummed. ;) But yet still up for the task to live up to Ryan's expectation, as well as pleasing Mom and Dad. It can be a fine line, people. So many great things in this storage attic we used and really wanted to take home with me...but I restrained myself. I mean there was metal numbers, letters, old film reels, weird metal things...and the strong smell of urine. Yes, the life of a photographer can be grimmy, dirty and dangerous. I have stepped on many a rusty nail only to come centimeters away from puncturing my foot, I have gotten poision ivy...more than once, billions of mosquito bites, horsefly stings, fell down ditches, stepped holes in the ground, stepped in thigh high snow, creepy onlookers while in a session, tripped over my own feet while looking through my camera attempting to get the shot. A photographers career....is NOT glamorous despite what you may think. Ok....back to Ryan's session..... Yes...the whole family. Again, with JGP you get a free family session with your senior session. It is a perfect opportunity to get everyone gussied up and snap some images of completely crazy you are. And when I mean crazy, I mean completely wonderful and would fit right in with my family. And this one was Ryan's idea. He wanted to jazz up the yearbook a little and by pointing at the next kid in the row of the senior pages of the yearbook. The idea was for the other kid (who will remain nameless...but you can probably figure it out)was supposed to do the same...but didn't. Wha-whaaaaa. And can I say, since my daughter came home with her yearbook yesterday, can we all agree there is some wonderfully, creative kids out there who are looking to express themselves in the yearbook?? Hello, kid on a dinosaur?? What?! :) And may I add....I am all for it, but do remember this, 30 years from now at your class reunion, you will be wearing a nametag that has your highschool pic next to your name so people will recognize you. Just saying. So if you are up for it, and your parents are too and it's legal...so am I. And now....we were racing to beat the sunset, and I am telling you I believe the sunset beat us as we were practically shooting in the dark. But it provided some moody, artsy-fartsy images from lovely downtown Alexandria. And living in a smaller town, anytime I shoot on Broadway or the side streets we get stares, waves, comments (good and bad), and whistles. Makes it interesting. Ryan is a talented film maker. Check out his You Tube videos HERE

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