06 February 2012

{girl scout promise} Alexandria, Minnesota Senior Photographer

As I hold my three fingers in the air....On my honor, I will try.....to blog more. Ok it maybe lame, but that was a tribute to another Girl Scout friend. Miss J and my daughter were also in girl scouts when they were little. And since kids grow up.... here she is a senior; an adult ready to put those hard working Girl Scout promises to use. :)

We did the session on a early fall morning. The light was amazing as you will see. I just love shooting sessions in the fall. The sun is low in the sky and so beautiful.
I am sure you read my ramblings of light, but it truely makes or breaks a photo.

I think my fav.

Thanks Mom & J...hope your year is awesome!


  1. Nice job, Jen! She looks so relaxed with you ... and yes, the light is divine!
