31 March 2011

{all that white stuff} Sartell, Minnesota Photographer

As we are in "official" spring, but we all know in the great state of MN, all that white stuff sticks around far beyond what that darn calendar says. But part of me likes sessions in the snow, if I can get past the cold that is. But the light that reflects upward off that blanket of white, looks awesome on everybody!! And it adds an extra twinkle to the eyes! And on this particular day, light snow was floating on down. It really was a wonderful winter day.

Here is the B family. I had so much fun with them! We laughed and played....partly to stay warm, but mostly cause they are just a blast!

First, adorable big brother "B". Honestly, he is a natural. He knew what he wanted to do and he did it and looked so cute doing it!! If he had a jacket to model, pretty sure he would have flung it over his shoulder and gave a wink.

Next, little bro "N". Yep, I can hear you from here...what a doll, right?

Now the whole kit and kaboodle.

Knee deep snow...pretty much just stand there and don't move works for me!

Thanks B family!!!